
ДАЮТ - БЕРИ, БЬЮТ - БЕГИ (saying)accept what you are given, run away from what is harmful: = don't refuse a gift, don't accept a blowwhen offered something good accept it gratefully, when in clanger beat a fast retreat(when only the first half of the saying is used) take what you're given (and be thankful)don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
«Берите (деньги), раз даю! Не на вовсе ведь. Взаймы». ...Конечно! В течение года я всё выплачу, Дуся. А может, расписку написать, чтобы тебе спокойней было?» -предложила я. По лицу тёти Дуси пробежало лёгкое раздражение. «Пословицу знаете: бьют - беги, дают -бери!.. Неужто не поверю на слово? Не первый день знаемся...» (Гинзбург 2). Take it (the money), since I've given it to you! It's not as if I'm throwing the money away-it's on loan." "Of course! I'll pay it back within the year, Dusya. But perhaps you'd feel happier if I gave you a receipt," I ventured. A look of mild irritation flitted across Aunt Dusya's face. "You know the saying: 'Don't accept a blow, don't refuse a gift.'... You think I wouldn't take your word for it? We've known each other some time now..." (2a).

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