
ОЦЕНИВАТЬ/ОЦЕНИТЬ ПО ДОСТОИНСТВУ кого-чтоVPsubj: human or collectusu. pfvfixed WO
to evaluate s.o. or sth. correctly (either positively or negatively)
X оценил Y-a по достоинству = (in refer, to a positive evaluation) X recognized person Y's worth (the worth of thing Y)
X saw person Y's true worth (the true worth of thing Y)X recognized the merit of thing YX appreciated (recognized) the value of thing YX assessed (evaluated) thing Y at its true worth(in limited contexts) X gave Y Yb due(in refer, to a negative evaluation) X saw Y for what Y really is
Neg X не оценил Y-a по достоинству \Д-298 X did not properly (sufficiently) appreciate Y.
Имеет значение то, что там, куда Кожевников отнёс рукопись, её прочли и, в отличие от некоторых издателей, редакторов, критиков и литературоведов, сразу оценили её по достоинству (Войнович 1). The important thing was that the people to whom Kozhevnikov gave the novel read it through and, unlike certain publishers, editors, critics, and literary scholars, saw its true worth right away (1a).
«А я, - продолжал Обломов голосом оскорблённого и не оценённого по достоинству человека, -ещё забочусь день и ночь...» (Гончаров 1). "And here I am, worrying day and night," Oblomov went on, in the injured tone of a man who feels he is not properly appreciated... (1b).

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