
СКОЛЬКО ДУШЕ УГОДНО collsubord clause with быть«used as advusu. presfixed WO
(to do sth. ) without any limitations, restrictions, to the extent one wants
to one's hearth content
(for) as long as one likes (pleases)as much as one likes (pleases)(for) as long as one's heart desiresas much as one's heart desires.
«Она под вымышленной фамилией, под которой все меня узнавали, высмеивала меня сколько душе угодно в стенгазете» (Пастернак 1).".. .She made fun of me to her heart's content in the wall newspaper, referring to me by some invented name that everyone could see through" (1a)
(Бугров:) ...Жить можете тут сколько вашей душе угодно, хоть до Рождества... (Чехов 1). (В.:) You can live here as long as you like - till Christmas, even (1b).

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