
VPsubj: humanusu. pfv infin with хочется, не терпится кому etc or pfv Verbal Adv облегчив душу ) to rid o.s. of one's worries, concerns, of things that weigh heavily on one's soul, esp. by talking about them
X облегчил душу = X eased (relieved) his mind
X unburdened (relieved) his soulX put (set) his mind at rest (at ease)X got it off his chestX took a load off his mind.
«Вы напрасно взяли такое сравнение...» - «Не напрасно, господа, не напрасно!» - вскипел опять Митя, хотя и, видимо облегчив душу выходкой внезапного гнева, начал уже опять добреть с каждым словом (Достоевский 1). "You shouldn't make such comparisons...." "Why shouldn't I, gentlemen, why shouldn't I!" Mitya boiled up again, though he had apparently unburdened his soul with this outburst of sudden anger and was growing kinder again with every word (1a).
...Княжна Марья вслух произнесла то ласкательное слово, которое он сказал ей в день смерти. «Ду - ше - нь - ка!» - повторила княжна Марья это слово и зарыдала облегчающими душу слезами (Толстой 6)... .Princess Mary a said aloud the term of endearment he had uttered on the day of his death. "'Dear-est!'" she repeated and sobbed, her tears relieving her soul (6a).
Ей (Наташе) не терпелось облегчить душу и рассказать... все то, что мне без её признаний было отлично известно... (Терц 2). She (Natasha) just couldn't wait to put her mind at rest and tell me what I knew perfectly well without her owning up to it... (2a).

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