
ДЕЛИТЬ НЕЧЕГО кому (с кем) collInvarimpers predic with бытьеif used without prep obj, indir obj refers to two or more parties) there is no basis for conflict (between two or more individuals or groups of people)
X-y с Y-ом (X-y и Y-y) делить нечего - X has (got) no bone to pick with Y
X has (got) no quarrel with YX and Y have (got) nothing to argue aboutthere's nothing for X and Y to quarrel over
there is no bone of contention between X and Y. "Я, - объяснил Гусев Петру Васильевичу жизненную позицию при случайной встрече в день отъезда того в эвакуацию, - человек маленький. По мне, какая ни есть власть, все одно... Мне с немцами делить нечего... Не пропаду» (Максимов 3). On the day of Pyotr Vasilievich's evacuation, Gusev happened to meet him, and explained his philosophy of life. "I'm a man of no importance. I don't care what kind of government we have, it's all the same to me... I've got no quarrel with the Germans. I shan't come to any harm" (3a).
«...Делить нам с тобой нечего, езжай с богом!» (Шолохов 5). "There's nothing for us to quarrel over, so go and God be with you!" (5a).

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