
СКОЛЬКО НИ (НА) ЕСТЬ collAdvPthese forms onlyadvfixed WO
it is inconsequential how much or many, all belonging to the group or type in question (when in refer, to s.o. 's needing, desiring etc sth. , often implies that even an insufficient amount is better than nothing)
however much (there is (you have etc))
however many (there are (you have etc))whatever (you've got (is available etc))as much (many) as (you've got etc)(only when всё or все is stated or implied) every single one (last bit, last one etc).
"...Стоят ли, батюшка Дмитрий Фёдорович, здешние мужики такой ласки, али вот девки?.. Ему ли, нашему мужику, цигарки курить, а ты им давал. Ведь от него смердит, от разбойника. А девки все, сколько их ни есть, вшивые» (Достоевский 1). "...Are they worth such pampering, our peasants, or the girls, Dmitri Fyodorovich?...It's not for our peasant to smoke cigars—and you did give them out. They all stink, the bandits. And the girls have lice, every last one of them" (1a).

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