
В ЖИЗНИ (B ЖИЗНЬ) collPrepPInvarused with negated ( usu. pfv ) verbs to intensify negation) not ever
never in one's life
not in a lifetimenever (ever)(in limited contexts) such NP as one has never seen (met etc) in one's entire lifethe best (greatest etc)NP
one has ever seen (met etc) in onefc life.
Летом, когда мама была у сестры на даче, она (Катя) приходила к нему, глаза сердитые, стеснялась сидевших у подъезда женщин. «Пялят зенки. Больше в жизни не приду» (Рыбаков 2). She (Katya) came to see him in the summer, when his mother was away at her sister's dacha.Her eyes were angry and she was embarrassed by the women sitting at the entrance. "All eyes! I'll never come here again in my life!" (2a).
. ..Вам в жизни не разрешить эту задачу (Терц 1). ...You won't solve this problem in a lifetime (1a).
Абарчук постепенно различил в полумраке лицо Магара. Он не узнал бы его... умирающий старик!.. Ощущая на себе взгляд Магара, он подумал: «Тоже, наверно, считает: в жизни б не узнал» (Гроссман 2). Gradually, in the half-light, he (Abarchuk) made out Magar's face. He would never have recognized him.. .he was an old man who was about to die... .Sensing that Magar was looking at him, he thought: "He's probably thinking the same thing-" "Well, I'd never have recognized him" (2a).
...Встретил меня старый и седой слуга с тёмным, медного цвета, лицом... и такими глубокими морщинами на лбу и на висках, каких я в жизни не видывал... (Тургенев 3)____I was met by a grey-haired old servant with a face the colour of dark copper.. .and the deepest wrinkles on his forehead and temples I had ever seen in my life (3b).

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