
НА БЛЮДЕЧКЕ С ГОЛУБОЙ КАЁМОЧКОЙ преподносить, подавать что и т. п.НА БЛЮДЕЧКЕ (С ЗОЛОТОЙ КАЁМОЧКОЙ)НА БЛЮДЕ all collPrepPthese forms onlysent advfixed WO
(to give sth. to s.o. , let s.o. have sth. etc) without the recipient's having to work hard to obtain it: (hand s.o. sth. (have sth. handed to one etc)) on a silver platter.
(Андрей:) Слушай, я, наверно, оттого такой пустой, что мне вей на блюдечке подавалось - дома благополучие... сыт, одет... (Розов 1). (A.:) I'm probably so shallow because everything has been handed to me on a silver platter-the family is well-off.. .they feed and clothe me... (1a).
The source of the first variant is The Golden Calf («Золотой телёнок») by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, 1931, ch.
2. The original source of the last variant is possibly the Russian translation of the Bible. Cf. Matt. 14:8, Mark 6:25, in reference to Salome's demand that John the Baptist's head be given to her "in a charger."

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