
БОБЫ РАЗВОДИТЬ substandVPsubj: humanusu. this WO
1. to waste one's time on trifles, act very slowly, procrastinate
X бобы разводит - X fritters (fiddles) away the time
(in limited contexts) X drags his feet.
(author's usage) «Чем в губернское правление-то шататься да пустяки на бобах разводить, лучше бы дело делать!» (Салтыков-Щедрин 2). "Instead of wasting his time in government departments and frittering away the precious minutes on some stupid trifles, he (the pompadour) should have been doing something!" (2a).
2. obsoles to talk about insignificant, frivolous matters (often in order to distract s.o. from sth. ), engage in idle chatter
X бобы разводит - X is prattling (on)
X is babbling(in limited contexts) X is beating around (about) the bush
X и Y бобы разводят - X and Y are gabbing
X and Y are shooting the breeze (the bull).

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