
МАЛОЙ КРОВЬЮ collNP instrumInvaradvfixed WO
(to attain, accomplish etc sth. ) without enduring great losses, making major concessions, or exerting great effort
shed(ding) hardly any blood
with few casualtieswith small losses(get off) cheapon the cheap.
(Воротынцев:) Ведь вы же двадцать четыре года кричали, что - не допустите, что - против любой комбинации, что на чужой территории, что малой кровью, а Гитлер один бил вас где хотел и как хотел... (Солженицын 9). (V.:) Haven't you been proclaiming for twenty-four years that you wouldn't let anyone pass
that you could resist any alliance, that you would fight on someone else's territory, that you would shed hardly any blood, while Hitler, all on his own, beat you as he pleased, where he pleased... (9a).

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