
НА МЕСТЕ2НА СВОЁМ МЕСТЕPrepPthese forms onlysubj-compl with copula (subj: human) a person who is engaged in work or activities that suit his abilities, vocation
X на (своём) месте - X is the right man in the right place
X is the right man for the jobX is in his right (proper) placeX is right (exactly) where he belongsX is in his element
Neg X не на своём месте = X is the wrong man for the job
X is not in his right (proper) placeX is out of place (out of his element).
Экспериментатором он быть не мог - только теоретиком, но здесь уж он был на месте (Грекова 2). Не could not conduct experiments, he had to confine himself to theoretical work but here he was the right man in the right place (2a).
...Я думаю, генералом он был бы больше на месте, чем монахом... (Герцен 1). ...I think he would have been more in his right place as a general than as a monk... (1a).

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