
ПОД МЕТЁЛКУ (ПОД МЕТЛУ) взять, забрать, очистить и т. п. highly collPrepPthese forms onlyadv
(to take etc) absolutely everything, so that nothing is left: (make) a clean sweep
clean sth. out
(get everything) down to the last bit (grain etc). "...(Ты) всей пропагандой в Кавкрайкоме командовал... сделал Кубань-матушку колхозной житницей, все сусеки (regional = закрома) под метёлку вычистил, ничего для родины не пожалел - ни себя, ни народа...» (Максимов 1). "...You were running propaganda throughout the Caucasus...you made all our mother Kuban a kolkhoz granary, you cleaned out all the peasant corn- bins, there was nothing you wouldn't have sacrificed for the motherland-yourself, the people..." (1a).

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