
1. a new surge of physical and spiritual forces that one feels at a mature age
second youth
(in limited contexts) (whole) new lease on life.
...Эти рисунки (Георгия Максимовича) выставлялись не раз, были репродукции, даже почтовые открытки, - и в жизни Георгия Максимовича наступил своего рода ренессанс, вторая молодость... (Трифонов 3)... .These drawings (by Georgii Maximovich) were exhibited several times, were reproduced in print and even made into postcards-and Georgii Maximovich underwent a kind of renaissance, a second youth... (3a).
2. widespread recognition, appreciation of sth. that for some period had fallen into oblivion
renewed popularity
second heyday (life)(in limited contexts) (make) a comeback.
Книга эта, пользовавшаяся большим успехом у современников, а потом на много лет забытая, сейчас живёт второй молодостью. This book, which enjoyed great success in its day and was then forgotten for many years, is now enjoying renewed popularity.

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