
как, что, чего и т. п. чья ЛЕВАЯ НОГА ХОЧЕТ/ ЗАХОЧЕТ collVP subj.these forms onlyusu. subord clausefixed WO
(what) a person feels inclined to do, (how) a person feels inclined to act etc
usu. in refer, to foolish, reckless behavior or arbitrary actions undertaken by a person who follows only his own whims): ...как (что, когда и т. п.) Х-ова левая нога захочет = however (what(ever), when(ever) etc) Xpleaseswhat(ever) (however it, when(ever) it) suits X's fancy
when(ever) the spirit moves X. "...B колхозе - как левая нога у начальства захочет. Захочет - даст, захочет - не даст. Иди в лес, серому волку жалуйся, вот и вся конституция» (Максимов 2). ( context transl ) "...In a kolkhoz everything depends on what sort of mood the bosses are in. If they feel like it, you'll get what's due to you - if they don't you won't. Go into the forest and complain to the wolves-that's all the law there is on a kolkhoz" (2a).

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