
ОДНО НАЗВАНИЕ (, что...)(ОДНб) ТОЛЬКО НАЗВАНИЕ all collТОЛЬКО (ОДНА) СЛАВА, что...NPsing onlyoften the main clause in a complex sentusu. this WO (in refer, to the discrepancy between what s.o. or sth. is called and what he or it actually is) a person, thing, phenomenon etc does not fit his or its name: s.o. sth. is a NP in name onlys.o. sth. doesn't deserve to be called aNP(itfs) not what you could call a realNP(in limited contexts) only the name (of a NP) remains (is left).
«Нынче мало ли французов этих побрали а сапог... ни на одном настоящих нет, так, одно названье», - начал один из солдат новый разговор (Толстой 7). "Plenty of Frenchies taken today, but not what you could call a real pair of boots on a one of em," said a soldier, introducing a new topic of conversation (7a)
«A слышь ты, Василиса Егоровна, - отвечал Иван Кузьмич, - я был занят службой: солдатушек учил». - «И, полно! -возразила капитанша. - Только слава, что солдат учишь: ни им служба не дается, ни ты в ней толку не ведаешь» (Пушкин 2). ( context transl ) "But I was taken up with my service duties, Vassilissa Yegorovna," replied Ivan Kuzmich. "I was instructing my soldiers." "That'll do'" retorted the captains wife. "It's all a lot of chatter about your instructing the soldiers, they're not fit for the Service and you don't know the first thing about it either" (2b).

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