
HE ВЗДУМАЙ(ТЕ) collVPimpcrthese forms onlyusu. foil. by infin) (used when forbidding s.o. to do sth. ) you are not to do that
don't even think about it
doing sth. )
don't take it into your head (to do sth. )don't you dare (to do sth. )(in limited contexts) don't (even) try (to do sth. ).
...Видавшие виды дамы просто обязаны предупреждать молодёжь женского пола (по поводу таких мужчин, как Никандров): «И не вздумайте! Кроме головной боли, ничего не маячит!» (Залыгин 1). Seasoned women had a duty to warn the younger of their sex about men like him (Nikandrov): "Don't even think about it! You'll get yourself nothing but a headache!" (1a).
«...Ты не вздумай ему сказать про... того парня, которого я сдуру взял в кассу» (Семенов 1).".. .Don't take it into your head to say anything about...that kid I took to the bank" (1a).
Митягин давно уже по-соседски упрашивал Семёна Тетерина взять его на медвежью охоту... Семён дал ему свою старенькую одностволку, наказал: «Не вздумай лезть наперёд, не на зайца идём» (Тендряков 1). For a long time Mityagin had been begging Simon Teterin to do him a favour, as a neighbour, by taking him on a bear hunt... .Simon gave him his old rifle, and said: "Don't try to get in front, we're not after hares" (1a).

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