
ОТДАВАТЬ/ОТДАТЬ НА ОТКУП что (кому)VPsubj: human
1. obs to give s.o. exclusive rights to use or hold sth. in exchange for money
X отдал Y на откуп = X farmed (leased) Y (out)).
(Боркин:) Еду сейчас к вам, а на реке у вас мужики с лозняка кору дерут. Отчего вы лозняк на откуп не отдадите? (Чехов 4). (В.:) As I was on my way here, I saw some peasants stripping the bark off your willow bushes along the river. Why don't you lease out those willow bushes? (4a).
2. coll to pass sth. (a project, assignment, responsibility for sth. etc) to s.o. such that he alone will handle it
X отдал Y на откуп Z-y = X turned (handed) Y over to Z
X gave (assigned, relegated etc) Y to Z(in limited contexts! X gave Z exclusive rights to Y.
Производства новый директор не знал, работать не любил и все руководство заводом фактически отдал на откуп главному инженеру. The new supervisor didn't know production, didn't like to work, and virtually turned over management of the factory to the chief engineer.

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