
1. obs to accept a challenge to a duel
X поднял перчатку - X took (picked) up the gauntlet (the glove).
2. to accept a challenge to enter into a contest with s.o. : X поднял перчатку - X took (picked) up the gauntlet (the glove)
X took up the challenge.
Оказалось, то, что мы принимали за описку или даже ошибку, было ложной, вредной, но всё-таки системой взглядов, а с системой надо бороться, и мы подымаем перчатку, брошенную из-за хребта (Искандер 6). It turns out that what we assumed to be a slip of the pen or a simple confusion of terms was actually the false and harmful manifestation of a whole system of beliefs. And since it is always the system itself one might fight, we hereby take up the gauntlet flung down from beyond the mountains (6a).

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