
И ПОМИНА (-у) нет о ком-чём obsNP genthese forms onlyused as subj / gen )
1. ( s.o. or sth. is) not discussed or referred to at all in conversation: об X-e и помину не было = X was not even mentioned (made mention of)
no mention was made of Xnot a word was said about X.
...Опять Анисья заговорила носом, что «она в первый раз от хозяйки слышит о свадьбе, что в разговорах с ней даже помину не было, да и свадьбы нет, и статочное ли дело?» (Гончаров 1)... .Again Anisya's nose proclaimed that this was the first time she had ever heard the landlady speak of a wedding
that it had never even been mentioned between them
and there was no wedding, was there, and how could such a thing be possible? (1b).
2. ( s.o. or sth. is) completely absent, entirely missing, nonexistent etc: об X-e и помину не было — there was no sign of X
there was not even (not so much as) a hint (a trace etc) of X.

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