
В САМУЮ ПОРУ collPrepPInvarusu. subj-compl with copulafixed WO
1. \П-388 (кому) ( subj: concr, abstr , or infin
occas. used as nonagreeing modif ) sth. is timely, sth. happens at the appropriate time, exactly when wanted, needed etc: (itfs (this would be etc)) just the right time (just the right moment, the perfect time, the perfect moment)at just the right time (just the right moment, the perfect time, the perfect moment)sth. couldn't have come at a better time
X-y было бы в самую пору сделать Y = this would be a perfect time for X to do Y
this would be just the time for X to do Y.
Сама же Людмила Афанасьевна и подвела его (Орешен-кова) к этому рассуждению рассказом о сыне. И так как с сыном оставалось не решено, то ей бы в самую пору сейчас слушать и думать, как это все отнести к сыну (Солженицын 10). Не (Oreshchenkov) had embarked on this topic because of Lyudmila Afanasyevna's own talk of her son. Since she was having trouble with her son, this would be just the time for her to hear this and ponder how to apply it to her son's case (I Ob)
2. - кому бытье, прийтись и т. п. ( subj: a noun denoting footwear, an item of clothing etc) sth. is exactly s.o. 's size
X Y-y в самую пору = X is just Y's size
X is just the right size for YX fits Y perfectlyX is a perfect fitift as if X were made to measure.
Сапоги были девочке в самую пору. The boots were just the girl's size

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П389 →← П387

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