
В ПОЧЁТЕ (у кого, где)PrepPInvarsubj-compl with быть0prep obj: usu. pl or collect)
1. (subj: human one enjoys the respect of s.o. ( usu. some group, community etc)
X -(y Y-ob) = Ys hold X in high esteem (regard )
X is held in high esteem (regard) (by Ys)X is highly regarded (esteemed, respected) (by Ys)
Neg X (y Y-ов) не - - X is viewed with disfavor (by Ys)
Ys don't think much of XX doesn't get much respect (from Ys).
Специалисты высокого класса у нас в почете. We hold first-rate specialists in high esteem
«Гришка-то непочтительный, поганец.Надысь (regional = на днях) иду из церкви, встретился со мной и не поздравствовался. Старики ноне (obs = нынче) не дюже ( substand = очень) в почете...»(Шолохов 2). "Grishka is a disrespectful young scoundrel I passed him coming home from church the other day and the scalawag didn't even say good morning. Old folk don't get much respect nowadays" (2a).
2. ( subj: abstr) sth. is considered worth practicing, a worthwhile undertaking, is respected, supported, recognized
X - (y Y-ов) = X is well-regarded (highly regarded) (by Ys)
X is popular (enjoys (much) popularity) (with Ys)(in limited contexts) X has an honored part to play
Neg X (y Y-ов) не -- Ys don't think much of X
X is looked down upon (by Ys).
Огромное значение имело бы исследование количества доносов по периодам и распределение доносителей по возрасту. Существенно также качество и стиль доноса. К сожалению, социологические исследования у нас не в почете (Мандельштам 2). A study of the number of denunciations by periods and by age of their authors would have enormous importance The question of their quality and style would also repay investigation. But, alas, sociological studies are not well regarded in this country (2a).
«Ошибки у нас бывают, — еще Ленин говорил, не ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает, - но на ошибках учимся, критика и самокритика у нас в почете...» (Максимов 1). "We do make mistakes, of course. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes, as Lenin said. But we learn from our mistakes. Criticism and self-criticism have an honoured part to play here..." (1a).

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