
1. (subj: human to give some indication that one is alive. X не подавал признаков жизни - X showed (gave) no sign(s) of life.
Один эсэсовец наткнулся на Дину, и она показалась ему подозрительной. Он посветил фонариком, приподнял ее и стал бить. Но она висела мешком и не подавала признаков жизни (Кузнецов 1). An SS man stumbled on Dina and thought her suspicious for some reason He turned his flashlight on her, raised her up and struck her savagely, but she hung limp, showing no sign of life (1a).
Они (противники) лежали в грязи и все, кроме рыжего, не подавали признаков жизни (Войнович 2). They (the enemies) were all lying in the mud now and, with the exception of the one with the red hair, gave no signs of life (2a)
2. (subj: human or collect) to be or become noticeably active, actively involved in (the activity specified or implied)
X не подавал признаков жизни - X gave (showed) no sign(s) of life
X didn't make his presence known (felt).
...(Жена Серго) тихонечко стушевалась где-то в углу комнаты, между кроватью и шкафом, до самого конца не подавая оттуда признаков жизни (Максимов 1). ..(Sergo's wife) melted quietly away into a corner of the room between the bed and the cupboard, giving no sign of life until the very end (1a).
С Садовой сообщали, что проклятая квартира опять подала признаки жизни в ней (Булгаков 9). It was reported from Sadovaya that the infernal apartment was again showing signs of life (9a).

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