
ВИСЕТЬ (ДЕРЖАТЬСЯ)/ПОВИСНУТЬ НА ВОЛОСКЕ (НА НИТОЧКЕ, НА НИТКЕ)VPsubj: human or abstr, often жизньif subj: human, usu. one's life or career is involved) to be in a perilous position or condition, be threatened by imminent danger, ruin, or death
X висит на волоске = X is hanging by a thread
person X is within a hairbreadth (a hairsbreadth etc) of deathperson X is on the brink of death(in limited contexts) X is within a hairbreadth of disaster (ruin)X is on the brink of disaster (ruin)thing X is touch and go.
Долгое время жизнь князя висела на волоске (Окуджава 2).His (the prince's) life hung by a thread for a long time (2a).
«Жить в городе стало невозможно, скажите спасибо вашему Голему -кстати, вы знаете, что Голем - скрытый коммунист?.. Да-да, уверяю вас, есть материалы... он на ниточке висит, ваш Голем...» (Стругацкие 1). "It's impossible to live in this town, for which you can say thank you to your buddy Golem-incidentally, are you aware of his Communist leanings? Yes, I assure you, we have evidence, he's hanging by a thread, your Golem" (1a).
(Елена Федотовна:) Ты обострил с ним отношения?.. Ах, молчишь... Ты повис на волоске! (Салынский 1). (Е.Е:) You've spoilt your relations with him? Why don't you answer?.. .You are on the brink of disaster! (1a).
Мне претила ложь и скука старой семьи, и я участвовала в её разрушении. Выход я нашла в свободном союзе. Случайно мой опыт удался, но всё всегда висело на волоске (Мандельштам 2)... .Repelled by the hypocrisy and tedium of conventional family life, I helped to undermine it...by seeking my own solution in a free union based on love, not marriage. It so happens that in my particular case it succeeded-though it was very much always touch and go (2a).
From the story of Damocles, courtier of the Syracusan tyrant Dionysius in classical mythology. At a banquet, Dionysius had Damocles seated under a sword suspended by a single hair to show him how precarious power and the ruler's happiness were.

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