
БУДЬ ДОБР, БУДЬТЕ ДОБРЫ or ДОБРЫ, БУДЬ ЛЮБЕЗЕН, БУДЬТЕ ЛЮБЕЗНЫformula phrasethese forms onlyfixed WO
1. (used to express a polite request) be obliging and do what I am asking you to do: (please (would you)) be so kind as to...
would you be kind enough to...would you please (kindly, mind)...might I trouble you to (for a)...
do me a favor and... (Серебряков:) Друзья мои, пришлите мне чай в кабинет, будьте добры! (Чехов 3). (S.:) My friends, be so kind as to have my tea brought to the study (3a).
В прихожей заверещал звонок...Скрипач поднял голову и попросил: «Откройте дверь, будьте любезны» (Семёнов 1). ...The doorbell tinkled in the hall. The violinist lifted his head and said: "Do me a favour and open the door, will you?" (1a).
2. (used to express a demand that may go against the will of the person addressed) do what I am telling you (even if you do not want to)
make sure that (you do(don'tdo) sth. )
be sure (to do (not to do) sth. )be sure and (do sth. )make it a point (not) to...see that you (do (don't do) sth. )if you please(with ironic intonation) please (would you) be so kind as to (not)...would you be kind enough (not) to...
would you please (kindly, mind) (not)... «Потрудись отправиться в Орлеан, - сказал Поклен-отец... - и держи экзамен на юридическом факультете. Получи ученую степень. Будь так добр, не провались, ибо денег на тебя ухлопано порядочно» (Булгаков 5). "You will now be kind enough to take a trip to Orleans," said Poquelin the elder... "and take an examination in jurisprudence. You must get a degree. And see that you don't fail, for I spent plenty of money on you" (5a).
(Кая:) A слёзы нам ни к чему. Без них, будьте любезны (Арбузов 2). (К.:) Tears won't help. No tears, if you please (2a).

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