
БИТКОМ НАБИТЬ что (кем-чем)БИТКОМ НАБИТЬСЯ кудаVPsubj: humanusu. past passive Part битком набит(ый)) (often refers to a large number of people in some place) to overfill some place (space, container etc): место X битком набито (Y-ами) = place X is filled (full) to overflowing (to capacity) (with Ys)X is packed tight (with Ys)place X is packed (jammed) to the rafters (with Ys)X is jammed full (of Ys)X is crammed (crowded, jam-packed, bursting (at the seams)) (with Ys)X is chock-full (of Ys).
...(Пастернак) читал «Антония и Клеопатру». Небольшое помещение битком набито... (Гладков 1). ...(Pasternak) gave а reading of Antony and Cleopatra. The small room was packed tight with people... (1a).
И вот мы в университетской аудитории. Это аудитория из небольших, она набита битком... (Олеша 3). And so there we were in the university lecture hall. It was one of the smaller ones, and it was jammed full... (3a).
Слыхали мы эти песни! Владимирская тюрьма битком набита, а вы всё о Промысле блажите» (Максимов 3). "We've heard all that before. Vladimir jail is crammed with prisoners and you go driveling on about Providence" (3a).

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