
С ПЛЕЧА2 чьего collPrepPInvarthe resulting PrepP is a nonagreeing postmodif or subj-compl with бытье ( subj: a noun denoting a piece of clothing)) (a piece of clothing that) belonged to, was worn by another
a hand-me-down (from s.o. )
from (part of) s.o. 's wardrobeonce (at one time) s.o. fc
со своего плеча = from one's own wardrobe
off one's own back.
Чемодан внесли кучер Селифан... и лакей Петрушка, малый лет тридцати, в просторном подержанном сюртуке, как видно, с барского плеча... (Гоголь 3). The trunk was brought in by the joint efforts of Selifan the coachman...and the valet Petrushka, a fellow of thirty or so, wearing a very loose, well-worn coat, evidently a hand-me-down from his master... (3e). The trunk was brought in by Selifan, the coachman...and Petrushka, the valet, a fellow of about thirty, wearing a shabby loose frock coat (apparently at one time his master's)... (3c).
Эта Ира чем-то так очаровала всемогущую Гридасову, что та снабдила ее чистым паспортом, одела с ног до головы в одежду со своего плеча и на свой счет отправила на материк (Гинзбург 2). Ira had somehow cast such a spell on the omnipotent Gridasova that the latter had provided her with a perfectly clean passport, given her a complete set of clothing from her own wardrobe, and paid for her passage back to the mainland (2a).
Ваше благородие! Отец наш вам жалует лошадь и шубу с своего плеча...» (Пушкин 2). "Your Honor, the Tsar Our Father is sending you as a present this horse and a fur coat off his own back" (2a).

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