
С КЕМ ПОВЕДЁШЬСЯ, ОТ ТОГО И НАБЕРЁШЬСЯ I sayingoccas. only the first half of the saying is used) you unwittingly adopt the views, habits of a person with whom you socialize or are on friendly terms: - he who (that) lies down with dogs gets up with fleashe who (that) lives with a cripple learns how to limpyou cannot touch pitch without being defiled(when only the first half of the saying is used) it's catching.
(Леонидик:) Он любит тебя. Он сам сказал мне это. (Лика:) Ого!.. Берёшь пример с настоящего мужчины? (Леонидик:) С кем поведёшься... (Арбузов 4). (Leonidik:) Не loves you Не told me. (Lika:) Oh! So you're behaving like a real man! (Leonidik.) It's catching .. (4a).

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