
СЕМИ (СЕМЬ rare) ПЯДЕЙ (ПЯДЕЙ obsoles, ПЯДЕНЬ obs, ПЯДЕНЕЙ obs) ВО ЛБУ collNP gen or NP, these forms onlyusu. subj-compl with бытье, subj: human ( var. with семи)var. with семь is used as subj with быть» or obj of иметьusu. condit будь кто семи пядей во лбуfixed WO
one is very intelligent, quick-witted, has remarkable abilities: будь X семи пядей во лбу - be X
even if X were) a genius (a real brain, the smartest man in the world)
be X (even if X were) (as) wise as an owl ((as) shrewd as a fox, (as) wise as Solomon, (as) smart as a whip)).
(Чугунов:) Будь ты хоть семи пядей во лбу, да коли законов не знаешь... (Павлин:) Понимаю я-с (Островский 5). (Ch.:) You can be as wise as an owl, but if you don't know the law... (R:) I understand, sir (5b).
«Кто из моих людей смеет обижать сироту? - закричал он. - Будь он семи пядень во лбу, а от суда моего на уйдёт» (Пушкин 2). "Who among my men dares mistreat an orphan?" he cried. "Be he as shrewd as a fox, he won't escape my judgment'" (2a).
..."Пядь" is an old unit of length equal to the distance between the tips of the thumb and the index finger when they are extended.

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